Simultaneously load un-inspected
fuses and unload inspected fuses between the x-ray indexer and the
cam-driven assembly machine.
Load fuses upright at indexer and
unload-and-flip at assembly machine.
Provide flip-in-place bypass
capability at the assembly machine.
Manipulate Fuse
"Pull-Ring" during assembly.
Protect robot, tool and explosive
payload from "system emergency stop" conditions during high
speed arm motion in critical machine space.
Robotic X-Ray Inspection System
Dual Epson ProSix robots perform 3
second cycles in coordinated motion with the x-ray indexer and
assembly machine.
System safety enhanced with collision
avoidance strategy that monitors indexer and assembly machine and
restricts robot motion in real time during critical-space tasks.
Advanced recovery strategy allows for
fully automated system initialization, even from intermediate or
unknown robot positions.